Sage Vantage: A Brief Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process

Kenneth J. Peak
ISBN-13: 9781071803554
Sage Vantage: A Brief Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process

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Publisher access codes are passwords granting access to online teaching and learning tools. The digital coursework, including class assignments, rich content, and lecture guides, makes studying easier and more interactive.

  • 1. Purchase access and reveal "Access Now" button on MyShelf page
  • 2. Click "Access Now" button and follow on-screen instructions
  • 3. Access content on publisher's platform

Note: RedShelf study tools are not available with this title.

Rent or Buy from $ 69.00 USD

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If you’ve previously accessed SAGE Vantage via your LMS and/or initiated a grace period, please ensure you complete this purchase using the same email used to log into your Vantage account. This is an instant access purchase that will be applied directly to your account when you log back into Vantage. You will not receive an access code.

Affordable online platform includes textbook content and helps you study

A Brief Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process – Vantage Digital Option is a learning and reading platform that makes it easier to understand your course material so you can get a better grade. It blends short, interactive multimedia activities with examples and presents them in easy-to-read sections of content from Kenneth J. Peak and Tamara D. Madensen-Herold. The short quizzes with guided feedback let you know where to focus your precious study time.

Key Features

Affordable value: access to quality learning tools at a wallet-friendly price.
Convenient eReader: With the eReader, you can learn and study when and where you prefer, with content from the textbook presented in easy-to-read sections.
Chapter tests: end-of-chapter tests reinforce important themes and make it easy to track your progress.
Instant feedback: immediate feedback on every question indicates if your answer is correct or incorrect, along with why, and makes it easier to learn and prepare for class.
Grade access: grades flow automatically to the student dashboard when you complete your assignments, so you know exactly where you stand in your course and where you might improve.
About A Brief Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process

A Brief Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process is a condensed version of the best-selling Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process by Kenneth J. Peak and Tamara D. Madensen-Herold. This new text uses a practical, applied approach to teach students the fundamentals of the U.S. criminal justice system in a concise and accessible format.

This product will require a course-key from your instructor.

If you were given the ISBN for the shipped, printed Vantage Access Card version (978-1-0718-0739-2), this is the same product; but, this will be digitally delivered instead.

Edition 1st
Print Card ISBN-13 9781071807392
ISBN-13 9781071803554