Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates

4th Edition

Mike Wallace; Alison Wray
eISBN-13: 9781529757682

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Additional Book Details

Reading critically, and writing using critical techniques, are crucial skills you need to apply to your academic work.  If you need to engage with published (or unpublished) literature such as essays, dissertations or theses, research papers or oral presentations, this proven guide helps you develop a reflective and advanced critical approach to your research and writing.

New to this edition:

Two new chapters on basic and advanced writing skills More advice on self-bias and perception Updates and additional examples throughout Updated online resources providing additional support.

A Companion Website provides additional resources to help you apply the critical techniques you learn.  From templates and checklists, access to SAGE journal articles and additional case studies, these free resources will make sure you successfully master advanced critical skills.

ISBNs 9781529727654, 9781529727647, 9781529757682, 1529757681
Language English
Number of Pages 320
Edition 4th