Health Psychology

3rd Edition

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

Catherine A. Sanderson
eISBN-13: 9781506373706

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Additional Book Details

<p>Health Psychology: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection introduces students to the story of health psychology through clear connections between science and the real world. Using a highly accessible writing style, author Catherine A. Sanderson employs a strong emphasis on the scientific principles and processes underlying the field of health psychology to present balanced coverage of foundational research, cutting-edge research, essential theories, and real-world application. The Third Edition builds on its strong student-oriented pedagogical program, streamlines content, and includes recent studies, pop culture references, and coverage of neuroscience to support student learning and engagement. Students will enjoy reading the text because of its relevance in helping them live long and healthy lives.</p>

Sold By SAGE Publications
ISBNs 1506373704, 9781506373720, 9781506373713, 9781506373713, 9781506373706, 9781506373713
Language English
Number of Pages 656
Edition 3rd