Religious Leadership

1st Edition

A Reference Handbook

eISBN-13: 9781506354903

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This 2-volume set within The SAGE Reference Series on Leadership tackles issues relevant to leadership in the realm of religion. It explores such themes as the contexts in which religious leaders move, leadership in communities of faith, leadership as taught in theological education and training, religious leadership impacting social change and social justice, and more. Topics are examined from multiple perspectives, traditions, and faiths.<br/><br/>Features & Benefits:<br/>By focusing on key topics with 100 brief chapters, we provide students with more depth than typically found in encyclopedia entries but with less jargon or density than the typical journal article or research handbook chapter.Signed chapters are written in language and style that is broadly accessible.Each chapter is followed by a brief bibliography and further readings to guide students to sources for more in-depth exploration in their research journeys.A detailed index, cross-references between chapters, and an online version enhance accessibility for today′s student audience.

Sold By SAGE Publications
ISBNs 9781506354903, 1506354904, 9781412999083, 9781412999083
Language English
Number of Pages 824
Edition 1st