Political Science Research Methods

8th Edition

Janet Buttolph Johnson; H. T. Reynolds; Jason D. Mycoff
eISBN-13: 9781506307831

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Additional Book Details

<p>Understand the “how” and the “why” behind research in political science.<br />
Step by step, Political Science Research Methods walks students through the logic of research design, carefully explaining how researchers choose which method to employ. The Eighth Edition of this trusted resource offers a greater emphasis on the ways in which particular methods are used by undergraduates, expanded coverage of the role of the Internet in research and analysis, and more international examples. <br />
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Practice makes perfect. <br />
In the new fourth edition of the accompanying workbook, Working with Political Science Research Methods, students are given the perfect opportunity to practice each of the methods presented in the core text. This helpful supplement breaks each aspect of the research process into manageable parts and features new exercises and updated data sets. A solutions manual with answers to the workbook is available to adopters.<br />
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Sold By SAGE Publications
ISBNs 9781506307848, 9781506307817, 9781506307831, 1506307833, 9781506307824
Language English
Number of Pages 656
Edition 8th