Sociological Snapshots 5

5th Edition

Seeing Social Structure and Change in Everyday Life

eISBN-13: 9781452215525

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Additional Book Details

The Fifth Edition of the best-selling Sociological Snapshots continues to provide a solid foundation for students as it introduces them to the world of sociological analysis. Combining abstract sociological concepts with interesting and grounded essays ("snapshots") on issues of contemporary interest, this book helps students discover relevant connections and encourages them to develop a sociological eye. By linking everyday life experiences to foundational concepts and concerns, it serves as an effective springboard from the student’s familiar and concrete world to the more abstract realm of sociological theory and the sociological perspective.

Student-friendly introductions preceding each section of the text provide rich context and tie the readings to the central concepts of sociological thought, while writing, observation, and data-collecting exercises following each section encourage students to practice what they are learning.

New to the Fifth Edition

Features updated topics and research within each essay Includes five new snapshots on current issues: immigrants from Latin American countries; celebratory rioting by college students; hate as a mental illness; sex offenders; and violence on the national mall in Washington, D.C. Provides an updated annotated reading list at the end of each section, connecting the informal essays to the more formal research literature of the discipline

Intended Audience
Using accessible language and an entertaining writing style, this book is a valuable supplementary text for Introductory Sociology, Social Change, or Modernization courses.

Contributor to the SAGE Teaching Innovations and Professional Development Award

Sold By SAGE Publications
ISBNs 1452215529, 9781412956499, 9781452215525, 9781412956499
Language eng
Number of Pages 249
Edition 5th