Implementing Positive Behavior Support Systems in Early Childhood and Elementary Settings

1st Edition

eISBN-13: 9781452294148

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"The book′s strengths are its practical information and the specific ways of looking at expectations and developing a common language. The forms included will be of great benefit to school teams."
—Susan Safarik, Supervisor, Department of Special Education
Lincoln Public Schools, NE

"Provides a lot of research and breaks down the processes for implementing positive behavior supports effectively in schools. Step-by-step directions, sample forms, and examples make the processes easy to incorporate and understand."
—Julia DeGarmo, Special Education Specialist
Columbus City Schools, OH

Learn how to teach and support appropriate behavior and build confidence in young children!

This easy-to-read resource presents the Programwide/Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support (PW/SW-PBS) system, a preventive, research-based approach that helps educators teach classroom behavior skills the same way they teach academic skills. The authors outline the PW/SW-PBS model, describe the core practices, and provide case examples to aid implementation. Key features of this instruction-based system include:

Differing levels of intervention to meet individual student needsClearly stated behavioral expectations Consistent acknowledgment of students′ mastery of expectationsSystematic use of consequences for problem behavior

This user-friendly text makes the principles of PW/SW-PBS easy to apply for educators who are committed to helping young students establish positive behavioral habits that will make learning a joy for all.

Sold By SAGE Publications
ISBNs 1452294143, 9781452208206, 9781452294148, 9781412940559, 9781412940566, 9781412940566, 9781412940566
Language English
Number of Pages 152
Edition 1st