Information and Communication Technology in Organizations

1st Edition

Adoption, Implementation, Use and Effects

Harry Bouwman; Bart van den Hooff; Lidwien van de Wijngaert; Jan van Dijk
eISBN-13: 9781446223765

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Additional Book Details

How best can we understand why the application of information and communication technology in organizations succeeds or fails? Calling on technical, organisational, social, psychological and economic perspectives, this book provides a fresh and comprehensive framework for answering this question.

Consideration is given to how ICT is adopted, implemented and used within organizations. Throughout special features will help readers clarify their understanding. These features include:

- Case studies and vignettes that chart the opportunities and pitfalls created by ICT

- Useful chapter introductions

- An up to date glossary of concepts and abbreviations

Sold By SAGE Publications
ISBNs 1446223760, 9781848604803, 9781446223765, 9781412900904, 9781412900904, 9781412900904, 9781412900898, 9781412900898
Language English
Number of Pages 240
Edition 1st