AutoCAD LT 2017 for Designers, 12th Edition

Prof. Sham Tickoo, Purdue University and CADCIM Technologies
eISBN-13: 9781942689485

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Additional Book Details

AutoCAD LT 2017 for Designers, 12th Edition textbook contains a detailed explanation of AutoCAD LT commands and their applications to solve drafting and design problems. In this textbook, every AutoCAD LT command is thoroughly explained with the help of examples and illustrations. This makes it easy for the users to understand the functions of the tools and their applications in the drawing. After reading this textbook, the user will be able to use AutoCAD LT commands to make a drawing, dimension a drawing, insert symbols as well as create text, blocks and dynamic blocks.
The book also covers basic drafting and design concepts that provide you with the essential drafting skills to solve the drawing problems in AutoCAD LT. These include dimensioning principles, and assembly drawings. While going through this textbook, you will discover some new unique applications of AutoCAD LT that will have a significant effect on your drawings.

Some of the Salient Features of this textbook are as follows:

Comprehensive textbook consisting of 23 chapters that are organized in a pedagogical sequence.
Detailed explanation of all commands and tools.
Summarized content on the first page of the topics that are covered in the chapter.
Hundreds of illustrations for easy understanding of concepts.
Step-by-step instructions to guide the users through the learning process.
More than 30 real-world mechanical engineering designs as examples.
Self-Evaluation Tests and Review Questions at the end of each chapter to help the users assess their knowledge.
Technical support by contacting
Additional learning resources at

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to AutoCAD LT
Chapter 2: Getting Started with AutoCAD LT
Chapter 3: Getting Starting with Advanced Sketching
Chapter 4: Working with Drawing Aids
Chapter 5: Editing Sketched Objects-I
Chapter 6: Editing Sketched Objects-II
Chapter 7: Creating Texts and Tables
Chapter 8: Basic Dimensioning, Geometric Dimensioning, and Tolerancing
Chapter 9: Editing Dimensions
Chapter 10: Dimension Styles, Multileader Styles, and System Variables
Chapter 11: Hatching Drawings
Chapter 12: Model Space Viewports, Paper Space Viewports, and Layouts
Chapter 13: Plotting Drawings
Chapter 14: Template Drawings
Chapter 15: Working with Blocks
Chapter 16: Defining Block Attributes
Chapter 17: Understanding External References
Chapter 18: Working with Advanced Drawing Options and nbsp;(For free
Chapter 19: Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects (For free
Chapter 20: Working with Data Exchange Object Linking and Embedding (For free
Chapter 21: Conventional Dimensioning and Projection Theory using AutoCAD LT (For free
Chapter 22: Concepts of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (For free
Chapter 23: Isometric Drawings (For free

Sold By CADCIM Technologies
ISBNs 9781942689485
Publish Year 2016
Language English
Number of Pages 824