Information Systems for Managers (Without Cases)

Edition 4.0

Gabriele Piccoli, Federico Pigni
eISBN-13: 9781943153510

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Additional Book Details

Information Systems for Managers offers a general introduction to Information Systems as well as focused coverage of the strategic role of information systems in the modern firm, and the design and implementation of IT-department strategic initiatives. Going beyond just a discussion of concepts, Piccoli and Pigni empowers readers to make critical IS strategy decisions and effectively communicate with IS professionals to ensure the successful implementation of their initiatives. Edition 4.0 has been comprehensively updated with new coverage of big data technologies and cloud computing, blockchain, virtual and augmented reality, machine learning, artificial intelligence, the Process Virtualization Theory, mobile security, fake news, troll factories, and cybersecurity frameworks.

Sold By Prospect Press
ISBNs 1943153515, 9781943153510, 1943153523, 9781943153527, 9781943153527
Publish Year 2019
Language English
Number of Pages 404