Sexuality Education - 14718

Part of PRO-ED Series on Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2E

Jason C. Travers
eISBN-13: 9781416411512

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Additional Book Details

Sexuality Education provides a framework for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for the healthy and safe sexual development of learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Comprehensive sexuality education includes traditional sex education topics such as reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases, and incorporates learning about various relationships, decision-making skills and communication, specific sexual behaviors, and diversity, among other topics.

This book promotes a behavior analytic approach to teaching CSE to learners with ASD. This approach involves identifying behaviors to be increased and decreased and defining those behaviors in measurable terms. The goals of comprehensive sexuality education for individuals with ASD also include preventing sexual abuse, fostering healthy relationships, preventing and addressing inappropriate behavior, promoting health and hygiene, and improving self-determination.

1. Introduction
2. Rationale for Comprehensive Sexuality Education
3. Comprehensive Sexuality Education Content, Team Roles, and Professional Responsibilities
4. Interventions and Supports for Sexuality Education
5. Specific Issues
6. Conclusion

Sold By PRO-ED Publishing, Inc.
ISBNs 9781416411512, 9781416411505
Publish Year 2018
Language English
Number of Pages 94