Statistical Mechanics

1st Edition

Donald A. McQuarrie
eISBN-13: 9781938787317

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Additional Book Details

Now available from University Science Books at a much lower price, this classic textbook has never been rivaled. It is ideal for a senior or first-year graduate level courses. Statistical Mechanics is the extended version of McQuarrie's 1984 text -- Statistical Thermodynamics -- now out of print. Although our printing of this book carries a 2000 copyright date, this is not a new edition. It is the original first edition, without any changes to the text (except preface). Despite its age, it is still a renowned and accessible introduction to the subject, containing a large number of chapter-ending problems for students.

Sold By University Science Books
ISBNs 9781938787317, 1891389157, 9781891389153, 1938787315
Publish Year 2000
Language English
Number of Pages 640
Edition 1st