Derivatives Law and Regulation, Second Edition

Gary E. Kalbaugh
eISBN-13: 9781531004163

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Additional Book Details

Now in its completely revised second edition, Derivatives Law and Regulation is a comprehensive and accessible casebook for law school futures, swaps, or derivatives classes. It provides a straightforward and thorough framework for a course in the law and regulation of derivatives. It is clear, concise, and user-friendly, conveying an exciting and easily teachable insight into this field of law.

The casebook addresses the regulatory regimes for futures, options, and swaps of all varieties. It assumes no pre-existing knowledge of derivatives and the first chapter is dedicated to introducing what they are and their economic functions.

Look for these key features:

-Basic economic overview of derivatives and their function, as well as descriptions of futures, forwards, options, and the most common interest rate, foreign exchange, commodity, credit, and equity swaps.
-Study of the jurisdiction over most derivatives conferred by the Commodity Exchange Act on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
-The role of futures and swaps markets and their regulation, along with futures and swaps intermediaries and their regulation.
-The investment industry and derivatives.
-Examination of the contribution of derivatives to the Financial Crisis and the public policy considerations underlying the Dodd-Frank Act.
-Focus on transactions, including the documentation of swaps.
-Examination of the Bankruptcy Codes treatment of derivatives.
-Review of the CFTCs enforcement authority, as enhanced by the Dodd-Frank Act.
-The role of private rights of action.
-Cross-border issues and the regime for their resolution.
-Study of the Securities and Exchange Commissions role with respect to security-based swaps.
-Comprehensive glossary of relevant terms.

Sold By Carolina Academic Press
ISBNs 9781531004163, 1531004164, 9781531004156, 1531004156
Publish Year 2018
Language English
Number of Pages 698