America's History

9th Edition

James Henretta; Eric Hinderaker; Rebecca Edwards; Robert O. Self
eISBN-13: 9781319121594

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Additional Book Details

America’s History for the AP® Course offers a thematic approach paired with skills-oriented pedagogy to help students succeed in the redesigned AP® U.S. History course. Known for its attention to AP® themes and content, the new edition features a nine part structure that closely aligns with the chronology of the AP® U.S. History course, with every chapter and part ending with AP®-style practice questions. With a wealth of supporting resources, America’s History for the AP® Course gives teachers and students the tools they need to master the course and achieve success on the AP® exam.

Sold By Bedford/St. Martin's
ISBNs 1319121594, 9781319121594, 9781319065072, 9781319065072
Language English
Edition 9th