
14th Edition

A Down-To-Earth Approach

Jim M. Henslin
eISBN-13: 9780134740027

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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. <br> For courses in Introductory Sociology <br>  <br> A down-to-earth approach to sociology <br>With  Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, author Jim Henslin takes students on an intellectual adventure of discovery through firsthand accounts of his travels around the world, original photographs, and personal reflections. Using his hallmark down-to-earth approach, Henslin presents a relatable, sincere, student-friendly narrative that centers around a traditional three-perspectives framework. The  14th Edition includes engaging new content – such as the  Pearson Originals docuseries,  Applying Sociology to Your Life feature boxes,  Hearing from Students videos, and  Hearing from the Author audio clips – all of which help students gain a better understanding of both society and themselves.

Sold By Pearson Education
ISBNs 0134736575, 9780134736570, 0134740025, 9780135305713
Language English
Edition 14th