Gapenski's Cases in Healthcare Finance

6th Edition

George H. Pink, PhD, Paula H. Song, PhD
eISBN-13: 9781567939668

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Additional Book Details

Sound financial analysis and decision making require a thorough comprehension of theory, plus the insight and judgment that come from experience. Gapenskis Cases in Healthcare Finance gives students an opportunity to bridge the gap between learning theoretical concepts in the classroom and applying those concepts in the real world. By working the cases in this book, students who have a basic understanding of healthcare finance can better prepare for the multitude of problems they will face in practice.The books 32 case studies feature a variety of healthcare settingsfrom hospitals and clinics to medical practices, home health organizations, integrated delivery systems, and more. Each case focuses on a single issue related to a specific area of financial management. Since 2000, this highly regarded book has been used in healthcare finance courses throughout the United States. Original author Louis C. Gapenski was recognized both nationally and internationally as an expert in healthcare finance. In the sixth edition, authors George H. Pink and Paula H. Song carry forward Dr. Gapenskis legacy to the field of healthcare administration. As the provision of healthcare continues to evolve and advance, this book will help students develop the insight and judgment they need as future leaders.

ISBNs 156793966X, 9781567939668
Publish Year 2018
Language English
Number of Pages 265
Edition 6th