Atkins' Physical Chemistry

11th Edition

Peter Atkins; Julio de Paula; James Keeler
eISBN-13: 9780191092183

eBook Features

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Additional Book Details

The exceptional quality of previous editions has been built upon to make this new edition of Atkins' Physical Chemistry even more closely suited to the needs of both lecturers and students. Re-organised into discrete Topics, the text is more flexible to teach from and more readable for students.

Now in its eleventh edition, the text has been enhanced with additional learning features and maths support to demonstrate the absolute centrality of mathematics to physical chemistry. Increasing the digestibility of the text in this new approach, the reader is brought to a question, then the maths is used to show how it can be answered and progress made. The expanded and redistributed maths support also includes a greatly increased number of 'Chemist's toolkits' which provide students with
succinct reminders of mathematical concepts and techniques right where they need them.

Checklists of key concepts at the end of each Topic add to the extensive learning support provided throughout the book, to reinforce the main take-home messages in each section. The coupling of the broad coverage of the subject with a structure and use of pedagogy that is even more innovative will ensure Atkins' Physical Chemistry remains the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry.

Online resources

Atkins' Physical Chemistry is accompanied by a range of online resources:

For registered adopters of the book:
· Figures and tables from the book, in ready to download format
· Tables of key equations
· Instructor's Solutions Manual

For students:
· Web links to a range of additional physical chemistry resources on the internet
· Group theory tables, available for downloading
· Molecular modelling problems
· Impact sections show the application of physical chemistry in a diverse range of modern contexts
· 'Further Information' sections which consist of longer derivations

Sold By OUP Oxford
ISBNs 0191092185, 9780198769866, 9780191092183
Language English
Number of Pages 1040
Edition 11th