Basic Accounting Principles for Lawyers, Third Edition

C. Steven Bradford
eISBN-13: 9781630430795

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Additional Book Details

This book is not a slimmed-down "Accounting for Lawyers" casebook, but a book especially designed as an auxiliary book for other courses that draw on accounting. It is brief, inexpensive, and gives students a plain English, sometimes even humorous, introduction to the basics of accounting and to the financial concepts of present value and expected value. It allows students to learn the essential accounting concepts outside of class so professors can spend more of valuable class time focusing on the core concepts of a course. The chapters are short and modular, so professors can assign as much or as little as students need to know for a course.

Sold By Carolina Academic Press
ISBNs 163043079X, 9781630430795, 1630430781, 9781630430788
Language English
Number of Pages 166