Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Modern Physical Organic Chemistry

1st Edition

Michael Sponsler, Eric Anslyn, and Dennis Dougherty
eISBN-13: 9781938787775

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Additional Book Details

This Student Solutions Manual, which provides complete solutions to all of the nearly 600 exercises in the accompanying textbook, will encourage students to work the exercises, enhancing their mastery of physical organic chemistry. When used properly by students to compare their solutions with the detailed solutions provided in the manual, it will serve as an excellent tool for sharpening skills and encouraging a deeper understanding of the concepts that are covered. Like the accompanying text by Anslyn and Dougherty, this manual also includes Going Deeper highlights on selected topics, where students can explore exceptions to the rule, discover surprising connections between topics, and gain insights into practical aspects of the material. Problem-solving strategies will be enhanced by students coordinated use of the textbook and this manual.

Sold By University Science Books
ISBNs 1938787773, 189138936X, 9781891389368, 9781938787775
Language English
Edition 1st