Intellectual Property

1st Edition

A Survey of the Law

Ned Snow
eISBN-13: 9781531001803

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Additional Book Details

Intellectual Property: A Survey of the Law teaches the law of trademark, copyright, patent, and trade secret. The casebook presents the material so that it is accessible to students. It explains the black-letter rules and underlying policies in a straightforward and simple manner. It provides examples, practice problems, and explanations for each area of the law, facilitating mastery of fundamental concepts. Case Comprehension questions follow each case excerpt to help students focus on key points. Beyond the Case questions challenge students to apply doctrines and policy outside the context of the specific case. Substance draws from both well-established jurisprudence and recent developments in case and statutory law. A teachers manual and PowerPoint slides will be available for professors. Additionally, a free app (on iTunes and GooglePlay) will be available for students. The app will provide a concise summary of black-letter law as well as practice problems with explanations.

Sold By Carolina Academic Press
ISBNs 1531001807, 9781531001803, 1531001793, 9781531001797
Publish Year 2017
Language English
Number of Pages 920
Edition 1st