Real Estate Law Fundamentals (Subscription)

1st Edition

Alice Hart Hughes; Thomas F. Goldman; Charles P. Nemeth
eISBN-13: 9780133146769

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<p>This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.</p> A hands-on approach to real estate law.</p>  </p> </p> Real Estate Law Fundamentals, 1e, covers the processes, procedures, and legal concepts involved in real estate transactions using a practical, hands-on approach. Students are actively engaged in the material through video scenarios, sample forms, case studies, and practice exercises, and legal concepts are presented with practical examples to make them easier to grasp. Written as both a teaching text and as a professional reference manual, the text offers a well rounded approach that demystifies the often confusing world of real estate transactions. </p>  </p>

Sold By Prentice Hall
ISBNs 0133362361, 9780133362367, 0133146766, 9780133146769
Number of Pages 445
Edition 1st