Healthcare Strategic Planning

3rd Edition

Alan M. Zuckerman
eISBN-13: 9781567935165

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Additional Book Details

"Strategic planning is an important management tool, especially in an era of uncertainty. A sound strategic plan helps healthcare organizations thrive in dynamic environments and adapt as market conditions change.

This new edition of Healthcare Strategic Planning provides the reader with practical guidance and expert insights for addressing near-term pressures, achieving long-term goals, and managing pitfalls that can derail effective planning. Descriptions, examples, and guidelines lead the reader step-by-step through a proven strategic planning process.

Strategic planning in the healthcare environment has evolved since the previous editions of this book were published. This edition reinvigorates the discussion with many new ideas and additional information on contemporary strategic planning."

Sold By Health Admin Press
ISBNs 1567935165, 9781567935165, 1567935168, 9781567935165
Publish Year 2012
Language English
Number of Pages 272
Edition 3rd