Essentials of Educational Psychology

5th Edition

Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Jeanne Ellis Ormrod; Brett D. Jones
eISBN-13: 9780134523323

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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. </p>  </p> Focused on the big ideas of education psychology, this text gives readers a practical understanding of the core concepts in educational psychology and of the research-based strategies needed to facilitate student learning and development. </p>  </p> While generally shorter than competing educational psychology textbooks, Essentials of Educational Psychology still provides a comprehensive overview of theories, research, and educational implications related to learning and cognition, motivation, child and adolescent development, instructional methods, classroom management, and assessment. Each chapter is organized around three to six Big Ideas, and each Big Idea is then divided into several more specific bold-faced principles or recommendations. Widely acclaimed for its conversational writing style, the book provides readers with a clear and easily understood picture of the psychological principles that impact teaching and learning. </p>

Sold By Pearson Education
ISBNs 0134894987, 9780134894980, 0134523326, 9780134523323, 9780136674962
Language English
Number of Pages 512
Edition 5th