
7th Edition

Theory and Context

Brian Bix
eISBN-13: 9781531004552

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Jurisprudence is aimed at students new to the study of legal philosophy, also offering new ideas and perspectives that will be of interest to established scholars. The author seeks to explain the often complex and difficult ideas in Jurisprudence clearly, but in a way that avoids distortion of the ideas through over-simplification. As well as introducing the reader to the fundamental themes in legal philosophy, it also describes and comments critically on the writing of the foremost legal theorists.

To every topic Brian Bix brings a sharp and discerning intelligence, pointing out weakness as well as strengths in the various approaches. For an overview of jurisprudence that is insightful as well as clear, critical but also generous in its assessments, one cant do better than this book. Robert W. Gordon, Stanford Law School, on the second edition

Sold By Carolina Academic Press
ISBNs 1531004555, 9781531004552, 161163721X, 9781611637212
Publish Year 2015
Language English
Number of Pages 364
Edition 7th
Website www.cap-press.com/books/isbn/9781611637212/Jurisprudence-Seventh-Edition#