Windows 10 Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts in easy steps, 2nd Edition

2nd Edition

Covers the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Mike McGrath
eISBN-13: 9781840787504

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Additional Book Details

Oh, so that's how you do it! Over 1000 useful tricks of the trade to make Windows work more efficiently for you, all revealed in this book. Windows 10 Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts in easy steps, 2nd Edition has been updated to cover the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (released August 2nd, 2016). You will learn how to: Customize the interface to suit your needs; Boost your PCs performance with simple tweaks; Quicken Startup and Shutdown times; Save time by keeping your files organized; Keep your hard drive lean; Quickly repair Windows 10; Give your PC a free tune-up; Keep net browsing safe, private and efficient; Keep tabs on other users activities; Guard your PC against viruses and prying eyes; Use a PC to build a home entertainment center. With keyboard shortcuts throughout to help you save time, this popular guide is a great investment for all Windows 10 users!

Sold By In Easy Steps
ISBNs 9781840787481, 9781840787504
Publish Year 2016
Language English
Edition 2nd