Understanding Lawyers' Ethics

5th Edition

Monroe H. Freedman, Abbe Smith
eISBN-13: 9781632845078

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Additional Book Details

This Understanding treatise analyzes the fundamental issues of lawyers ethics and the ABAs Model Rules. It is designed to facilitate a real understanding of legal rules as distinguished from a superficial familiarity with them by challenging the reader to test their understanding of the legal rules against the reader's own moral standards and reasoned judgment. The fifth edition includes new chapters on Lawyers Ethics in a Time of Crisis and Counseling Clients, Coaching Witnesses, and Cross-Examining to Discredit the Truth, and substantial updates on Judicial Ethics and more.

Sold By Carolina Academic Press
ISBNs 1632845075, 9781632845078, 1632845067, 9781632845061
Publish Year 2016
Language English
Number of Pages 450
Edition 5th
Website cap-press.com/books/isbn/9781632845061#