Captivating Classes with Constructivism

Preparing Educators for the Common Core Standards

Pat Flynn, Don Mesibov, Paul J. Vermette, R. Michael Smith
eISBN-13: 9781935801207

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Additional Book Details

For over 28 years, the author team of R. Michael Smith and Paul J. Vermette (Niagara University), Pat Flynn (Albany, New York) and Don Mesibov (St. Lawrence University) have been on the forefront of constructivism and constructivist classroom practices. This visionary content provides engaging, classroom-tested strategies, which align with the Common Core Standards. Captivating Classes with Constructivism covers a broad spectrum of concept mapping, jigsaws, carousels and literature circles for instructional use in the classroom.

Constructivist-based classroom practices places an emphasis on understanding and critical analysis, not simple recall. The scope of material presents step-by-step descriptions and techniques, which provides teachers (and future teachers) with concrete knowledge on how to adapt their own classrooms.

Captivating Classes with Constructivisms overall stand-out feature, based on both professional and student reviews, is the presentation of engaging strategies to build student achievement in the classroom. Readers are challenged to implement constructivism applications into their curriculum.

Sold By Rainmaker Education
ISBNs 9781935801207
Language English
Number of Pages 310