Applying Sociology to Everyday Life

1st Edition

Marianne Paiva
eISBN-13: 9781945628023

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Additional Book Details

Sociology is all around us, every day, but rarely do we recognize it in every day settings. Applying Sociology to Your Everyday Life provides a backdrop to common sociology concepts and themes beginning with classic readings in Sociology that will be intimately familiar. Other selections are fresh works that strive to give the reader a perspective of sociological theory that might be relevant in their everyday lives. Combined, this reader provides a foundation for sociological theory, and applies theories to everyday experiences.

Sold By Kona Publishing and Media Group
ISBNs 1945628022, 9781945628023, 1945628006, 9781945628009
Publish Year 2016
Language English
Number of Pages 351
Edition 1st