Entertainment Law

3rd Edition

Melvin Simensky, Thomas Selz, Robert C. Lind, Barbara Burnett, Charles A. Palmer, F. Jay Dougherty
eISBN-13: 9781579110871

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Additional Book Details

This unique Entertainment Law casebook emphasizes the business aspects of the entertainment industry, especially its economic risks. Although important cases are included, the book provides numerous excerpts from trade publications, such as Variety, to teach the practical aspects of entertainment law. Such material is more interesting to read, more current, and more directly relevant to the practice of entertainment law.

The book contains a hypothetical that runs throughout, covering a fictional client pursuing deals in all branches of the entertainment industry music, film, television, theater, book publishing and the Internet. Students are provided opportunities to develop relevant practical drafting and negotiating skills.

ISBNs 1579110878, 9781579110871, 9780820557250
Publish Year 2003
Language Englsih
Number of Pages 1622
Edition 3rd
Website www.cap-press.com/books/isbn/9780820557250/Entertainment-Law-Third-Edition#