Solid State Physics 3E

Stokes, Harold
eISBN-13: 9781614210214

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Additional Book Details

This textbook was specifically intended for non-physics majors. The prerequisites are two semesters of introductory physics that cover mechanics and electric and magnetic fields. A course in modern physics is not a prerequisite. Thus, many topics of modern physics, such as quantum mechanics, are included in this course to the extent that they are needed to understand the aspects of solid state physics covered.
Chapter 1. Crystal Structure
Chapter 2. X-Ray Diffraction
Chapter 3. Lattice Vibrations
Chapter 4. Classical Model of Metals
Chapter 5. Waves and Particles
Chapter 6. Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 7. Free-Electron Quantum Model of Metals
Chapter 8. Band Theory of Metals
Chapter 9. Electrical Conductivity of Metals
Chapter 10. Semiconductors
Chapter 11. p -n Junctions in Semiconductors
Chapter 12. Semiconductor Devices
Chapter 13. Superconductivity
Chapter 14. Heat
Chapter 15. Magnetic Properties
Chapter 16. Dielectric and Optical Properties
Includes 222 problems and 215 figures.

Sold By BYU Academic Publishing
ISBNs 9781614210214, 9780740930270
Language English
Number of Pages 175