The Success Guide For Developing Customers For Life

1st Edition

Tools and Strategies For Effectively Doing Business in the Changing Marketplace

Walter L Smith III
eISBN-13: 9781945172915

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Additional Book Details

“When the normal cycles of business and life, challenges the effectiveness and profitability of an individual, company or organization, real-time solutions, bottom-line results, and models for "best practice empowerment", which keeps people relevant, retooling and relational in their approach to sustainable development and growth; is actually critically-necessary and key, to longevity and legacy! A conversational, facetious and an ingenious writer, "WS-3" emboldens an expressive energy and tireless passion that infuses personality, spirituality and theology into a intelligible message for the times. Thousands of executives and community leaders for over two decades have been impacted by the management consulting, organizational development, and philanthropic administrative expertise of Walter L. Smith III (WS-3).”

There are many experiences and people that have contributed to the publishing of this timely manuscript. My own fickle attitude about “good customer service” has consumed my focus, whether I’m shopping for groceries, or making a large purchase; I can’t help myself — I’m a stickler for an approachable, distinguishable and knowledgable customer service professional!” If You are going to be competitive in a changing and volatile marketplace, the ONLY WAY to guarantee "customer loyalty" and long-term stability is to "Develop Customers For Life"!

Sold By WS-3 Enterprises
ISBNs 1945172916, 9781945172915, 9781945172915, 9781945172915
Language English
Number of Pages 104
Edition 1st