Writing and Speaking for Business, 4th Edition

4th Edition

Baker, William H.
eISBN-13: 9781614210009

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Additional Book Details

From the mailroom to the boardroom, good communication is essential to survive and thrive. Writing and Speaking for Business is a how-to book that makes that happen!

With easy-to-remember frameworks that simplify learning, Writing and Speaking for Business provides proven procedures to create high-quality business writing and oral presentations. Comprehensive coverage includes interpersonal communication, audience analysis, business writing (including basic grammar), social media, employment communication, visual communication, report and proposal writing, document formatting, and oral presentations.

Used and praised by thousands of students and their instructors, this book is ready-made for classroom instruction, employee training, and on-the-job reference. A former student writes, "The information is easy to understand, yet detailed enough. . . . I have used its teachings many times in my current employment. I even recommended that we get a few copies for the office I work in."

Sold By BYU Academic Publishing
ISBNs 9781614210009, 9781611650211
Publish Year 2015
Language English
Number of Pages 314
Edition 4th