Comparative and International Policing, Justice, and Transnational Crime, Second Edition

Sesha Kethineni
eISBN-13: 9781611639124

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Comparative and International Policing, Justice, and Transnational Crime provides a rich reservoir of thought-provoking original articles written by international criminal justice, policing, and legal scholars. Many of the articles not only share a central theme (e.g., the policing of dependent sovereignties) but also focus on how various issues are addressed by international treaties and policing or law enforcement agencies. The articles are drawn from historical, contemporary, and controversial topics. The main objectives are to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various international issues, from historical to contemporary perspectives; incorporate topics that are important, yet ignored in many international criminal justice books; and generate scholarly discussion among students.

Sold By Carolina Academic Press
ISBNs 9781611639124, 9781611634433
Language English