Wonder Strikes

Approaching Aesthetics and Literature with William Desmond

Steven E. Knepper
eISBN-13: 9781438489575

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<p>The first book-length examination of the prominent contemporary philosopher William Desmond's approach to aesthetics, art, and literature.</p><p>William Desmond argues that philosophy, religion, and art begin in wonder. Desmond is widely recognized for his original metaphysics and his provocative philosophy of religion. Desmond's extensive writings on aesthetics, art, and literature, however, have received much less attention. Wonder Strikes is the first book-length examination of these dimensions of Desmond's thought. It offers nuanced commentary on his treatment of beauty and the sublime; his accounts of tragedy and comedy; and his argument that, having asked "too much" of art in modernity, we now ask "too little." Desmond claims that art, philosophy, and religion must recover their ancient kinship and their shared roots in wonder if they are to counter the destructive instrumentalism of our time.</p>

ISBNs 9781438489568, 9781438489575, 1438489579
Language English
Number of Pages 272