Information Systems for Managers in the Digital Age Without Cases, Edition 5.0

5th Edition

Gabriele Piccoli and Federico Pigni
eISBN-13: 9781943153855

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Additional Book Details

Information Systems for Managers focuses on what students need to know to be effective managers in the digital age. Building from a discussion of fundamental concepts, Piccoli and Pigni use a practical and applied approach, not only to demonstrate the strategic importance of IS, but also to impart methods for creating and maintaining value. Far more than a summary of IS topics, the book empowers readers to realize the transformative business potential of IT. This transformed Edition 5.0 focuses on managers operating in a world where digital disruption, digital transformation, digital innovation, and digital entrepreneurship have become the norm.

Sold By Prospect Press
ISBNs 9781943153862, 9781943153855, 9781943153862
Publish Year 2021
Language English
Edition 5th