New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century

10th Edition

Stephen Spinelli
eISBN-13: 9780077760229

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Additional Book Details

New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century is about the process of getting a new venture started, growing the venture, successfully harvesting it, and starting again. The book presents the substantial body of knowledge about the entrepreneurial process in a pragmatic way – through text, case studies, and hands-on exercises – to help readers compress their learning curves, reduce their ultimate risk and pain, and allow them to gain more from their subsequent entrepreneurial experiences.

Sold By McGraw-Hill Higher Education
ISBNs 9781260618051, 0077760220, 9781260644524, 9780077760229, 9780077862480, 9780077862480, 9780077760212, 9780077862480
Language eng
Number of Pages 505
Edition 10th