Culture, Technology, Communication

Towards an Intercultural Global Village

eISBN-13: 9780791490488

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<p>Provides cross-cultural perspectives on computer-mediated communication.</p><p>Stability and success in our electronic global village increasingly depends on the complex interactions of culture, communication, and technology. This book offers both theoretical approaches and case studies of these interactions from diverse cultural domains, including Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the United States. This global perspective helps to counteract the Anglo-American presumptions that have dominated discussion and literature on computer-mediated communication (CMC) technologies. The contributors uncover and challenge the culture-bound values and communicative preferences inherent in CMC technologies-including values and preferences related to gender-and also document non-Western examples of implementing these technologies in ways that catalyze global communication while preserving and enhancing local cultures. Taken together, these essays articulate the interdisciplinary foundations and practical models necessary to design and use CMC technologies in ways that help us to avoid the choice between a global but culturally homogenous "McWorld" and fragmented local cultures whose identities are preserved only in their opposition to globalization.</p>

ISBNs 0791490483, 9780791450154, 9780791490488
Language English