Ethics of Writing

Carlo Sini
eISBN-13: 9781438428574

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<p>First English translation of Sini's important work on the influence of writing and the alphabet on Western rationality.</p><p>In this groundbreaking work, Carlo Sini, one of Italy's leading contemporary philosophers, brings American pragmatism to the Milan school of phenomenology. Appearing in English for the first time, this book explores the constitutive role of alphabetic writing in the emergence of dominant forms of knowledge in the Western world (philosophy, mathematics, science, and historiography). Taking stock of the contingent nature of what are held as logical truths, he offers an ethical framework for considering different ways of thinking about writing, focusing on possibilities involving "practice" as a basis for a renewal of theoretical philosophy. Such a framework, Sini argues, opens the door for more productive and ethical communication with non-Western cultures, and indeed for a reconsideration of forms of knowledge beyond mere writing.</p>

ISBNs 143842857X, 9781438428512, 9781438428574
Language English