Principles of Power

Women Superintendents and the Riddle of the Heart

C. Cryss Brunner
eISBN-13: 9780791492666

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<p>Shares perspectives from twelve successful women school superintendents.</p><p>Women who seek to be school superintendents or who want to improve their chances for success in the superintendency can clearly benefit from the insights and cultural wisdom of women who have attained the position. Principles of Power shares perspectives from twelve successful women superintendents and puts them in a cultural context that highlights what they can teach us about their methods for success.</p><p>To illustrate the underlying behaviors that helped them succeed, Brunner uses as a framework the system of beliefs gathered by Carlos Castaneda from Yaqui Indian warrior training. Castaneda calls this system the "riddle of the heart." To understand the riddle of the heart, women must be able to simultaneously comprehend and use two different perceptions of the world: that which is and that which is becoming. To be able to solve the riddle, warriors develop mind set and a discipline that allow them to get the best out of any conceivable situation. This book is the story of these warriors-twelve women superintendents-and how they have solved the riddle of the heart.</p>

ISBNs 0791492664, 9780791445693, 9780791492666
Language English