Writing Environments

eISBN-13: 9780791483893

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<p>Including interviews with several of America's leading environmental writers, this volume addresses the intersections between writing and nature.</p><p>Writing Environments addresses the intersections between writing and nature through interviews with some of America's leading environmental writers. Those interviewed include Rick Bass, Cheryll Glotfelty, Annette Kolodny, Max Oelschlaeger, Simon J. Ortiz, David Quammen, Janisse Ray, Scott Russell Sanders, Edward O. Wilson, and Ann H. Zwinger. From the standpoints of activists, scientists, naturalists, teachers, and highly visible writers, the interviewees consider how different environments have influenced them, how their writing affects environments, and the ways readers experience environments. The interviews are followed by critical responses from writing scholars. This diverse range of voices speaks lucidly and captivatingly about topics such as place, writing, teaching, politics, race, and culture, and how these overlap in many complex ways.</p>

ISBNs 9780791483893, 0791483894, 9780791463321
Language English