In Search of the Lost Heart

Explorations in Islamic Thought

William C. Chittick
eISBN-13: 9781438439372

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Additional Book Details

<p>Renowned scholar William C. Chittick explores the worldview of Islam in a series of essays written over thirty-six years.</p><p>In Search of the Lost Heart brings together twenty-six essays by William C. Chittick, renowned scholar of Sufism and Islamic philosophy. Written between 1975 and 2011, most of these essays are not readily available in Chittick's own books. Although this is a collection, its editors have crafted it to be a book "sufficient unto itself, which, when taken as a whole, can be said to explore the underlying worldview of Islam."</p><p>Chittick draws upon the writings of towering figures such as Ibn al-'Arabī, Rūmī, and Mullā Ṣadrā, as well as other important, but lesser-known thinkers, as he engages with a wide variety of topics, such as the nature of being and knowledge, the relationship between love and scriptural hermeneutics, the practical and theoretical dimensions of Islamic mysticism, the phenomenon of religious diversity, and the ecological crisis.</p>

ISBNs 9781438439372, 1438439377, 9781438439358
Language English