Latino Voices in New England

eISBN-13: 9780791493847

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<p>Compelling stories and striking photographs illustrate the challenges and highlights of Latino/a life in Portland, Maine.</p><p>Latinos-those born in the United States as well as those who immigrated later in life-are not only transforming the country and cities, they are also transforming themselves in a difficult process of community making. This book tells the story of how a diverse group of immigrants have adapted to dramatic changes in the largely Anglo setting of Portland, Maine, building bridges instead of walls. The Latino storytellers included here address multiple challenges of discrimination, language barriers, cultural retention and adaptation, and speak of their strengths-strong family ties, a connection to the environment, and an expanding sense of home-to illustrate how they have emerged not only with hopes and dreams intact, but also with a resilience built upon fluid and flexible identities.</p>

ISBNs 0791493849, 9780791493847, 9780791493786
Language English