Heidegger's Neglect of the Body

Kevin A. Aho
eISBN-13: 9781438427744

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<p>Challenges conventional understandings of Heidegger's account of the body.</p><p>Martin Heidegger's failure to acknowledge the role of the body in his analysis of everyday human existence (Dasein) has generated a cottage industry of criticism from such prominent continental figures as Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Derrida, and Irigaray. In Heidegger's Neglect of the Body, Kevin A. Aho suggests the critics largely fail to appreciate Heidegger's nuanced understanding of Dasein, which is not to be interpreted in terms of individual existence but in terms of a shared horizon of being that is already there. Aho further argues that Heidegger-while rarely discussing the body itself-nonetheless makes a significant contribution to theories of embodiment by means of his critique of technological existence and his hermeneutic recovery of more original ways of being that reveal our fragile interconnectedness with things.</p>

ISBNs 9781438427744, 1438427743, 9781438427751
Language English