Catalyzing the Field

Second-Person Approaches to Contemplative Learning and Inquiry

eISBN-13: 9781438472843

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<p>A rich collection of essays about the inner, shared experiences of participants engaged in second-person approaches to contemplative practice.</p><p>Catalyzing the Field presents a diverse series of applied case studies about the second-person dimension of contemplative learning in higher education. As a companion volume to the editors' previous book, The Intersubjective Turn, the contributors to this book explore various pedagogical scenarios in which intentional forms of practice create and guide consciousness. Their essays demonstrate that practice is not only intellectual, but somatic, phenomenological, emotional, and spiritual as well. Along with their first book, Contemplative Learning and Inquiry across Disciplines, the editors craft an essential body of work that affirms the fundamental importance of contemplative practice in institutions of higher learning.</p>

ISBNs 9781438472829, 1438472846, 9781438472843
Language English