Encountering Jesus in the New Testament (3rd Edition)

3rd Edition

Ave Maria Press
eISBN-13: 9781594719509

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Additional Book Details

The revised and updated edition of Encountering Jesus in the New Testament offers a complete survey of the four Gospels, the letters of St. Paul, and the universal Catholic letters that helped to define the Churchs beliefs about Jesus Christ. The textbook provides a sweeping view of Christ, both from the understanding of his early followers and the inspired authors of the New Testament and from those in the first centuries who did not believe in Jesus and were his enemies.
This new edition is in a 6-inch by 9-inch, college-sized format and includes a number of new and special features.

Sold By Ave Maria Press
ISBNs 9781594719509
Publish Year 2021
Language English
Edition 3rd
Website www.avemariapress.com