Connect Core Concepts in Health, BRIEF, BOUND Edition

17th Edition

Paul M. Insel
eISBN-13: 9781264144648

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Additional Book Details

Connect Core Concepts in Health remains the leading health textbook in U.S. higher education. The book's unique psychological approach to mind-body health encourages students to take proactive self-assessments. Students can stay current on the latest studies while learning how to negotiate cross-cultural ideas of what it means to be healthy and how to live in our diverse, consumer-oriented society. McGraw Hill Education's digital and teaching-learning tools also integrate Connect Core Concepts in Health'sauthoritative, science-based content. The seventeenth edition features new research-based coverage of the use of digital technology, including new Tech Tips in every chapter that help students take advantage of apps and tech-based devices that will help them reach their fitness and wellness goals. Additionally, every chapter has been updated to reflect current scientific thinking, data, and statistics from such authoritative sources as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture

ISBNs 9781264144648, 9781264144594, 1264144644, 9781264144594
Language English
Number of Pages 512
Edition 17th