By the People

5th Edition

Debating American Government, Brief Edition

James A. Morone; Rogan Kersh
eISBN-13: 9780197545867

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By The People: Debating American Government, Fifth Edition, presents essential content in a compelling story geared for today's students. Through each edition, this text has built on this successful approach to engage students in the rich and important debates of our times. Now powered by the Oxford Insight® Study Guide and additional digitals learning tools, this book helps students to become thoughtful and informed citizens.

The accompanying Oxford Insight® Study Guide works with the text to optimize learning. This powerful tool engages students in an active and highly dynamic review of chapter content, empowering them to critically assess their own understanding of American government. Real-time, actionable data generated by activity in the guide helps instructors ensure that each student is best supported along their unique learning path.

ISBNs 0197545866, 9780197545829, 9780197545867
Language English
Number of Pages 648
Edition 5th