Big Data

1st Edition

Technologies for Business

Arben Asllani
eISBN-13: 9781943153756

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Additional Book Details

The availability of big data is increasing as is the need for people to prepare and analyze it. BIG DATA TECHNOLOGIES FOR BUSINESS seeks to fill this need by presenting the material in a manner accessible to a broad audience including business students, non-technical managers, and other professionals. This book assumes little or no prior programming experience. Topics are introduced conceptually, intuitively, with pseudocode, and with fully worked examples including code. In this manner, students learn to use various essential technologies including, among others, AWS, Hadoop, and Spark.

Sold By Prospect Press
ISBNs 9781943153770, 9781943153770, 9781943153756
Publish Year 2020
Language English
Edition 1st