Real Estate Appraisal

5th Edition

Principles and Procedures

Huber, Messick, and Pivar
eISBN-13: 9781626843646

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Additional Book Details

This text is not only designed for students who wish to pursue real estate appraisal as a career, but also for other real estate professionals, such as brokers, salespeople, and loan officers, who can benefit from understanding why one property is worth more than another. This book covers a 60-hour course as recommended by the 2008 Appraisal Foundation Requirements. Understanding the basics are important to a variety of real estate-related situations, but only a Licensed, Certified Residential or Certified General Appraiser can create an expert opinion of value in an official appraisal report for a loan to be generated. 490 pages.

Sold By Educational Textbook Company, Inc.
ISBNs 9781626843646, 9781626843639
Publish Year 2021
Language English
Edition 5th
Course Name Real Estate Appraisal