Life Science - Student Text - 20276E

Kristine Lindsay and Kristina M. Swann
eISBN-13: 9780000000009

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Additional Book Details

The General Science Series meets national science education standards and features engaging supplements for existing science curriculum. Key science concepts are presented in an easy-to-read format along with sophisticated photos and illustrations. The low reading level and high-interest visuals make the student texts and reproducible activity sheets appealing to struggling readers. The standards-based programs are appropriate for on-level students, students with learning differences, and students and adults reading below grade level. The Life Science Student Text is an abbreviated version of a traditional textbook, this text is written at a low reading level. The low reading level combined with the sophisticated page layout and age-appropriate, up-to-date visuals make the program suitable for struggling readers.

Chapter Titles

What is an Organism?
The Cell
Heredity and Reproduction
Bacteria & Viruses
Protists & Fungi
The Human Body

Sold By PRO-ED Publishing, Inc.
ISBNs 9780000000009, 9780000000009
Publish Year 2007
Language English